
2022 Juicy Burger Cup Round of 32 – The Burger Battle Continues

Katie Coy theBeijinger 2022-12-13

Things are hotting up in the Beijinger’s2022 Juicy Burger Cup, with your votes slashing the initial field of 64 to a mere 32 survivors!

Vote here in the Round of 32:

It’ll be no surprise that this year’s Burger Cup top seeds Slow BoatQ MexHome Plate BBQ and Slider Nation have easily sailed on through to the next round. Other previous Burger Cup winners Side Street and blue frog also made it through without breaking a sweat.

Of the 22 restaurants participating in our Juicy Burger Month, 17 have now made it through to the Round of 32. So pour one out for our fallen comrades: BURGERMOODMessy BurgerYe BrewingCAUTION and Wobbit, but don’t forget you can still show your support by visiting them -- and the other remaining 17 -- during Juicy Burger Month!

It’s always a tough competition for new burger places, and we were especially sad to see Apollo knocked out, but other first-time bracketeers COMMUNE•XMalbec & BeefBrotzeitWild Kite BrewingTake A Bite TAB and Burp have all survived to see another day. 

The lowest remaining seed in the competition is ANGEL BURGER who came in as 13th seed in Bracket B but managed to win a surprise victory over 4th seed Ye Brewing. Could this be a surprise underdog story? 

Here are the full results of the Round of 64 (the number in parentheses indicates their initial seeding. "New" indicates a new venue this year; and an asterisk (*) indicates a participant in Juicy Burger Month).


  • *Slow Boat Brewery 悠航鲜啤 (1) over TOWNSQUARE CAFE · ARTYZEN HABITAT BEIJING 思方汇咖啡厅·雅辰悦居酒店 (16) (New)

  • *Side Street 街旁 (2) over TIGERS 老虎西餐 (15)

  • *Great Leap Brewing 大跃啤酒 (3) over Let's Burger Plus 非常创意汉堡 (14)

  • *COMMUNE RESERVE 北京华贸甄选店 (4)  over SLOW精酿餐吧 (13) (New)

  • *COMMUNE·X 北京太古里设计师店 (5) (New) over TRIPS Burger (12) (New)

  • PEACH by Hulu (11) over VINN (6) (New)

  • NBeer Pub 牛啤堂 (10) over *BURGERMOOD 堡格曼 (7)  

  • *Burge's Bistro & Bar 小伯格酒馆 (8) over *Messy Burger 汉堡探索中心 (9)


  • *Jing-A 京A (1) over HeyBurger 堡嗝汉堡 (16)

  • *Blue Frog Bar & Grill 蓝蛙 (2) over Spacelab 失重餐厅 (15)

  • *Q MEX Bar & Grill 库迈墨西哥餐吧 (3) over LUSH (14)

  • ANGEL BURGER 天使汉堡 (13) over *Ye Brewing 野鹅微醺 (4) (New) 

  • *Malbec & Beef 阿根廷牛排馆 (12) (New) over *CAUTION 靠山啤酒餐吧 (5) (New)

  • Paddy O’Shea’s 爱尔兰酒吧 (11) over *Wobbit 窝边草 (6)

  • Plan B (10) over Circle Urban 圆场 (7) (New) 

  • *The Great Outdoors 野友趣精酿餐酒吧 (9) over LARRY THE BIRD (8) (New) 


  • *Home Plate BBQ 本垒美式烤肉 (1) over Dongli Brewery 东里手工啤酒·精酿餐厅 (16)

  • 3 Little Pigs by Andy’s Craft Sausages 三小猪 (2) over Fire Works 北焰·美式扒房 (15)

  • Arrow Factory 箭厂啤酒 (3) over Cafe Ruhe 如何餐厅 (14) 

  • The Local (4) over WasPark (13) 

  • *Wild Kite Brewing 野风筝 (5) (New) over Park Side 园景 (12)

  • *Brotzeit German Bier Restaurant 博璨德国啤酒餐厅 (6) (New) over Shang Brew 香啤坊 (11) (New) 

  • Lily’s American Diner 莉莉斯美式西餐厅 (7) over Grandma's Kitchen 祖母的厨房美式西餐厅 (10) 

  • Hulu by TRB 琥禄 (8) over The Rug Café (9) 


  • *Slider Nation 小堡邦 (1) over Shaking Crab波士顿手抓海鲜 (16)

  • Shake Shack (2) over APOLLO美味和音乐 (15) (New) 

  • *Beersmith Gastropub 鲜啤吧 (3) over CHAR Bar & Grill 恰牛扒房 (14)

  • FATBURGER特富客汉堡 (4) over Panorama葩诺 (13)

  • The Cheesecake Factory芝乐坊 (5) over The Music Bar, Hyatt Regency Beijing Wangjing音乐吧·北京望京凯悦酒店 (12)

  • *Burp堡嗝儿·精酿啤酒汉堡 (6) over SOLDOUT (11) (New)

  • Kitty & Daniel Hollywood Grill & Bar大牛好莱坞餐吧 (7) over Xian Bar/Domain, East Beijing仙酒吧/Domain域,北京东隅酒店 (10)

  • Take A BiteTAB汉堡 (9) (New) over THE ROOTS欧伴 (8)

And here are the matchups for the Round of 32:


  • *Slow Boat Brewery 悠航鲜啤 (1) vs *Burge's Bistro & Bar 小伯格酒馆 (8) 

  • *Side Street 街旁 (2) vs NBeer Pub 牛啤堂 (10)

  • *Great Leap Brewing 大跃啤酒 (3) vs PEACH by Hulu (11)

  • *COMMUNE RESERVE COMMUNE RESERVE北京华贸甄选店 (4) vs *COMMUNE·X COMMUNE·X北京太古里设计店 (5) (New) 


  • *Jing-A 京A (1) vs *The Great Outdoor(s) 野友趣精酿餐酒吧 (9)

  • *blue frog 蓝蛙 (2) vs Plan B (10)

  • *Q MEX Bar & Grill 库迈墨西哥餐吧 (3) vs Paddy O’Shea’s 爱尔兰酒吧 (11)

  • ANGEL BURGER 天使汉堡 (13) vs *Malbec & Beef 阿根廷牛排馆 (12) (New)


  • *Home Plate BBQ 本垒美式烤肉 (1) vs Hulu by TRB 琥禄 (8) 

  • 3 Little Pigs by Andy’s Craft Sausages 三小猪 (2) vs *Brotzeit German Bier Restaurant 博璨德国啤酒餐厅 (6) (New) 

  • Lily’s American Diner 莉莉斯美式西餐厅 (7) vs *Wild Kite Brewing 野风筝 (5) (New) 

  • Arrow Factory 箭厂啤酒 (3) vs The Local (4) 


  • *Slider Nation 小堡邦 (1) vs Take A Bite TAB汉堡 (9) (New)

  • Shake Shack (2) vs Kitty & Daniel Hollywood Grill & Bar 大牛好莱坞餐吧 (7) 

  • *Beersmith Gastropub 鲜啤吧 (3) vs *Burp 堡嗝儿 (6) (New) 

  • FATBURGER 特富客汉堡 (4) vs The Cheesecake Factory 芝乐坊 (5) 


This next round of voting will close Friday (Nov 18) at noon, so be sure to get voting for your favorite burger joints now so they can make it into the subsequent rounds:

Round of 32: Nov 14-18
Sweet 16: Nov 18-22
Elite 8: Nov 22-25
Final Four: Nov 25-28
Championship: Nov 28-Dec 1
Winner Announced: Dec 1 

And as is our custom, last round we asked you to rank those that did not make the bracket of 64. Here's how you ranked the "best of the rest":

  • 65. Peking Yard 北平花园 

  • 66. Salt Lake Inn 盐湖酒廠 

  • 67. Hamburger 汉饱嗝 (New)

  • 68. Lenbach 兰巴赫 西餐啤酒坊 

  • 69. Bistro 108 巴黎餐吧 

  • 70. Bodensee Kitchen 德南餐厅 

  • 71. Market Cafe, Hyatt Regency Beijing Wangjing 咖啡厅·北京望京凯悦酒店 

  • 72. 4Corners 肆角餐吧 

  • 73. Legend 老牌餐吧 

  • 74. BLT American Restaurant Salad & Grill BLT美式餐厅 

  • 75. Tough Tongue 硬舌酒肉 

  • 76. Rich Burger 发财汉堡 (New)

  • 77. Foam Lab 泡沫实验室精酿餐吧 

  • 78. Bistrot B 怡庭 

  • 79. World Of Beer Bar & Kitchen WOB精酿餐厅 

  • 80. Migas Mercado 米思家 

  • 81. Laker's 

  • 82. Aurora 极光 

  • 83. Meat by Ernest 吃肉 

  • 84. QS 奎妮餐吧 

  • 85. Eudora Station 亿多瑞站 

  • 86. Bullshit Food 饱是福 (New)

  • 87. Café Flatwhite 福来新西兰餐厅 

  • 88. Manchester United Theater of Dreams Restaurant 曼联梦剧场 

  • 89. MAX boom 炙烤牛肉汉堡研究所 (New)

  • 90. The VEGGIE TABLE 吃素的西餐 

  • 91. Steam Bear 蒸汽熊精酿鲜啤餐厅 (New)

  • 92. Alpha Omega Club 甲丁坊新德餐吧 

  • 93. RE 而意 

  • 94. Uncle's Kitchen UK 大叔的厨房 

  • 95. Wiggly Jiggly‘s 欧也 

  • 96. Park Square Restaurant & Lounge 园庭 

  • 97. Burger Treasure 堡藏汉堡 (New)

  • 98. Carlins 珂林斯澳尚扒房 (New)

  • 99. The Bell × Terrazza Martini 

  • 100. Station Grill 

Along with the Juicy Burger Cup, the Beijinger’s first ever Juicy Burger Month is also now in full swing. With an amazing line up of 22 burger brands in the capital and over RMB 50,000 worth of prizes to be won, be sure to head to one of the participating venues and grab your Juicy Burger Month passport now. 

Scan the QR code below for a map of all locations. Or you can check the full details of Juicy Burger Month here. Eating burgers to win prizes, what could be better than that!? 

Want to keep up to date with all Juicy Burger Month news? Add WeChatID: TBJButler and request to be added to either the English of Chinese group chat. 


Get Out There and Partake in Juicy Burger Month Today Through Dec 4!

Images: theBeijingers, tenor.co, Giphy, bestanimations.com


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